I often reach for American holidays, because I find them close at hand as a New Yorker, but only a few hundred miles from here, Canada celebrates the founding of the Canadian Federation as Canada Day.

If you want a narrower demographic, certain Bulgarian communities celebrate(d) the July Morning festival, which—like a lot of holidays, this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere—seems to mostly work as an excuse to stay awake through one of the year’s shortest nights.

Canada Day fireworks on Parliament Hill, Ottawa

And on we go to the projects.

Boring CSS

GitHub - jcolag/boring-cssA set of CSS files (for me) to use for prototyping - jcolag/boring-css

My CSS non-framework now has two additional color schemes that happened to come to my attention during the week.

Catppuccin calls itself a “soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited.” They place a heavy weight on community involvement, which I wouldn’t expect, given that they
only maintain color schemes. Technically, they have four palettes, light (latte), muted (frappĂ©), medium (macchiato), and dark (mocha). I made an executive decision and chose their latte scheme as the boldest and probably most suitable for this kind of project, but if anybody wants one of the other “flavors,” they don’t take much effort to write

RosĂ© Pine describes itself as “all natural pine, faux fur and a bit of Soho vibes for the classy minimalist.” It similarly maintains three variants—the original, Moon, and Dawn—of which Boring CSS implements the original only.

The Light’s Edge

Codeberg — thelightsedgejcolag/thelightsedge The Light's Edge is an ongoing, multimedia space opera story. This repository will contain material needed to generate the main website

After some experimentation, I discovered that I could alter the site’s CSS in a way that looks ugly to me, but in trade makes the pages look the same in their Codeberg preview as they do on the official deployed website.

The “one trick”? I previously used absolute paths for the fonts.

src: url('/fonts/LeagueSpartan-VF.woff2');

However, since Codeberg Pages doesn’t deploy to the domain’s root, the fonts don’t actually live at /fonts, so I need to use a relative path.

src: url('../fonts/LeagueSpartan-VF.woff2');

See? I told you that it looked ugly. However, it now means that, if you want to see how the pages look before I deploy them—I still await approval on one account before I finalize certain things—then you can visit The Light’s Edge on Codeberg Pages.

Fictopedia Archive

Codeberg — fictopediajcolag/fictopedia Archive of the surviving material from fictopedia.net

As promised last time, I have started building an archive of the material that I “rescued” from Fictopedia, before the site collapsed.

In addition to the pages converted to HTML, the pages use styles from Boring CSS to—I hope—maximize readability. I also scrounged up the images, including the absurdly tiny project logo (see below) and the “favorites” icon, which should both appear on every page, by the time that you read this.

Fictopedia's logo, the name of the site in brackets, resting at an angle

The README documentation also mostly reflects what I wrote for the index page’s introduction.

Anyway, you can start reading at my Fictopedia Archive on Codeberg Pages. If you want a taste of what you have in store, there, in terms of both the general style of content and the many missing pages, I might recommend the Worldwide Wormhole Complex as an interesting article with an original concept, that has many links to articles that expand on different parts of the concept, many but not all of which exist. If you want something shorter and sillier, you might check out the Emotive Hats, of which four related articles—clustered at the end of the list, if you’d like to save yourself some frustration—survived. But it has an interesting selection of mundane, fantasy, science fiction, and probably other genres.

Library Updates

I needed to bump library versions for Bicker, FĂœlakas OnomĂĄton, the Generic Board Game, the Little Scuttlers, Miniboost, the Renewals DB, Salavi, and Uxuyu. That clears out my current queue, for now.


I have more work to do on the Fictopedia archive, including small improvements to the CSS, content salvaged from the Internet Archive, working category pages, probably fixing links to the category pages, fixing some of the broken HTML, and maybe a couple of other small issues that I’ve forgotten.

On the GitHub side, I don’t have a firm plan, yet. I imagine that I’ll go back to a project that I’ve neglected
but also, don’t act surprised when I create a new project or two, because I’ve had that “itch.”

Credits: The header image is Ottawa fireworks 49 by Harvey K, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.