I couldn’t find a single decent holiday for today, and that made me feel grouchy. And then I discovered that Emmanuel de Grouchy would have celebrated his 257th birthday, today, and…OK, sure, he probably pronounced his name something like “groo-SHEE,” but I couldn’t pass that up.

Manny le Grouch or whatever

While I decide whether I want to recolor his hair green and have his head poking out of a trashcan, let’s talk about projects.

Smoke Alarm

GitHub - jcolag/smoke-alarmA rudimentary serverless application to track potential burnout - jcolag/smoke-alarm

While I need to do some extensive testing to figure out under what circumstances the code works and when it won’t, the page now should allow routine storage of data.

I have also clarified the text on the page and provided some minimal documentation, including a history of the project.

Entropy Arbitrage

GitHub - jcolag/entropy-arbitrage-codeThe Jekyll blog for https://john.colagioia.net/blog - jcolag/entropy-arbitrage-code

You might have noticed that the comments section of the blog has some company, these days: If you don’t trust my management of the comments—provided by Hashover hosted on the blog’s server, by the way, if you wanted to know that—then I formally invite you to discuss issues from posts in the #entropy-arbitrage chatroom on Matrix.

I’ll moderate away any irritating content or poor conduct as I do, here, and will continue to assume that any posts there follow the blog’s CC-BY-SA 4.0 license, so that if you recommend a correction, I can assume that you have already given permission…

In addition to that, I fixed the mammoth/mastodon emoji names—somehow, the official name includes “elephant,” conflicting with the actual elephant emoji—and changed the type of the input box on the search page to “search.”

Library Updates

I needed to bump library versions for the Morning Dashboard, Roku Wake, and Slackup.


I want to resolve the CORS problem on Smoke Alarm, as well as add graphs.

Credits: The header image is Marchal Grouchy by Georges Rouget, long in the public domain due to expired copyright if it ever had a copyright.